Our petition already has been signed over 10,000 times. So in only 6 days 10,000 people have shown their support to keep the Ötztaler Ache flowing freely! Many people have also taken the time to write comments on why the river is so important to them. This shows: the Ötztaler Ache is not just any river, it’s world-famous and worthy of protection! All of us – more than 10,000 people – do not want a hydro power plant, but rather for the Ötztaler Ache to keep flowing freely!
We therefore repeat our position:
Legal complaints are pending against the nature conservation permits and water law permits. These must be clarified before construction continues. For years the NGOs were denied party status – only to start with the construction the moment they finally were able bring in their concerns. We want the Ötztaler Ache to continue to flow freely in the future, and we demand an immediate stop of the constructions!
You can sign our petition here:
2 Antworten
jenny goble
This is an environmental issue – leave nature to run its own course please.
Frederic Gilardone
C’est en appuyant de telles pétitions que nous réussirons au niveau européen à faire changer les choses: l’hydroélectricité est une fausse énergie verte. Ses conséquences sur les écosystèmes sont toujours dévastatrices, Ses bénéfices ne sont que financiers et ne vont dans les poches que d’une minorité d’avides opérateurs ne voyant pas plus loin que l’épaisseur de leur portefeuille.